Gabriella Caballero
Romance: Styles of Love, In ancient Roman culture, Ludus have several meaning, it can be used as a board game or Latin poetry as a kind of play and as a field for erotic role playing. The project I been working is a Ludus Magnus, is the largest of the gladiatorial arenas in Rome, Italy. The Ludus Magnus was built for the performances to be held at the Amphitheater. At the center of the Ludus, was built on three levels, was an ellipsoidal arena in which the gladiators practiced. It was circumscribed by the steps of a small caves, probably reserved for a limited number of spectators. The caves had a four portico with columns leading to a number of outside rooms, to be used by the gladiators as services for the performances. The entrances to the Ludus were built on the main axes.
Vampire Crypts
Most vampire myths come to us from the Dark Ages, when science was in its infancy and people looked to religion or superstition to explain the world around them. While some Vampire Myths have their basis in Christian orthodoxy and Victorian romanticizing, other represent imaginative interpretation of actual vampire characteristics and behavior. seeing as how they thrive on deception, it’s also highly likely that many of these myths were perpetuated by vampires themselves in order to gain an edge over their ill- prepared victims, to instill more fear in the populace, ore gain more followers.
Star Wars "Snowspeeder"
The Incom Corporation T-47 airspeeder was an airspeeder that became famous during the Galactic Civil War for its use by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a military fighter known as the snowspeeder.
Pirate's Cove
Pirate’s Cove is a game designed by originally. In the game, players play pirate ship captains seeking treasure from islands and bragging rights from defeating other pirates in naval combat.
Each player has a ship token and a card showing four aspects of the ship (crew, cannon, sail, and hull). At the beginning of each turn, a card is turned over at each island to reveal the potential booty from plunder. Each island (except Pirate’s Cove and Treasure Island) offer various amounts of Fame, Gold, Treasure or Tavern cards.
Captains choose an island to plunder based on the potential rewards of that island and the and fight if they show up at the same island. Certain islands offer the opportunity to upgrade an aspect of the ship and the available plunder at each island changes with each turn. A player can use this information to predict where other players’ ships will turn up and thus move his ship accordingly to either do battle or avoid it. The bounty of each island is skewed so that some Islands are clearly better choices than others, so it can force you to decide (or bluff) if you think you can take the island should other pirates go after the same bounty. Ships that survive combat then plunder the islands, gain fame, and pay gold to upgrade their ships based on the qualities of the islands. The Legendary Pirate, a black ship token, moves clockwise around the board, forcing captains to steer out of his path unless they think that they can defeat the powerful ship. At Treasure Island, no battle can take place and it is where ships can safely discharge cargo from their ship and bury any plundered treasure (a ship’s capacity to hold treasure is based on its hull rating). Burying treasure and money adds to the player’s accumulated fame points.